Saranya T P on establishing resilience as a goal

2 min readSep 8, 2020

Anxiety is something that many of us seem to be dealing with right now. Uncertainty creates anxiety. Yet with uncertainty comes not only fear, but also hope. Whenever I get overwhelmed with the fear and uncertainty of what’s to come, I try to focus ⁣my mind on the positive outcomes that might result.
It’s not always easy but setting boundaries has really helped me to hone in on the hope and maintain a positive perspective. ⁣ ⁣⁣

There was a time when I doubted myself, my worth and my direction. But I finally realized I was on the right path when I focused on aligning my thoughts and actions with my purpose and values. ⁣

⁣Here are some boundaries I would encourage you to set if you are also feeling the anxiety of everything that is currently going on: ⁣
1. Limit the amount of news you consume. ⁣⁣
2. Spend less time on social media. ⁣⁣
3. Create defined working hours, and stick to them. ⁣⁣
4. Carve out time for self-care and reflection — journal, meditate. ⁣⁣
5. Set boundaries with your community — this includes coworkers, friends, family, etc.

It’s okay to be mindful of your needs. During stressful situations, when we are defeated and completely broken down, it can be hard to find our strength. ⁣

Emotions are not facts but experiences — this reminder is to help us separate our emotions from reality. Yes, our emotions are real, but just because we feel fear (anxiety) that something is going to happen does not mean that it is actually going to happen. This is separating our emotion from confirming our worst fears.

This doesn’t happen overnight — it takes work to create a life and career that is centered around the things that give you a sense of fulfillment. Don’t feel overwhelmed — we’ll get there! ⁣

Resilience is our ability to bounce back. It’s our grit. Our ability to get through tough situations. Building resilience is something which we can actually do for our self. Believe. It takes both time and intention.

The goal of establishing resilience is to create a life in which you are thriving, not just coping. It’s to be able to face challenges head on and to have the confidence that no matter what life throws at you, you can, and you will get through it.

By gaining clarity about what matters most to you, creating a clear road map for your life, and aligning your purpose and values with your life and career, we can work towards building resilience.

